
BRILC is our number one customers and we have been able to deliver a lot of computers for them to distribute. Love the staff and support for what we are doing in the community.

About PatchX


We started by just doing a favor for a family friend. Just one computer to one little girl who needed it for school. We could have never predicted how this one act would give birth to PatchX. Since that one favor in 2008, we have fixed up over 150 computers, taught kids how to program, developed websites for non-profits and used technology to help our environment. And we’re still going strong. That’s what the “X” stands for – not just the unknown number of people we may help, but the possibilities for the future.


We are located in Southwest Virginia but looking to expand across the country.

PatchX map

Why work with us?

Help Others

Help others

Looking for a way to give back? Don’t have much time? Why not take an old computer and bring it back to life? Or help with a website for a non-profit – all from the comfort of your house? We can show you how.

Tech Refurb

Refurb tech

We started by fixing up computers and giving them away. But computers are just one technology that needs refurbishing. What is your passion in technology? Education? Science? Maybe there’s a way to make something old into something new.

Postive Plus


Ok, we made “Plusitivity” up. But it exemplifies what we do. We started with one computer and then added one. Many “plus ones” later, we’ve given away over 150 computers. Imagine yourself as the plus one – one person helping one other.

What exactly are we doing?

We are a full service group using technology to help others. We take older computers and clean them up for non-profit child care organizations and families who cannot afford them. We teach children how to program, create digital art and compose music. We work with non-profit groups that can’t afford a webmaster to manage their online presence. We also help these groups manage their technology by recommending software and administering networks and systems..



Web Sites



We love history. The history of software. The history of computers so why not a little about the history of PatchX

  1. PatchXFeb 2008 · First computer fixed up for child
  2. Web SiteAug 2008 · First Web site built for Opportunity through Baseball
  3. Computer Lab Mar 2010 · Working with the Junior League to build lab for Greenvale School
  4. 100 Computer clubMay 2011 · Delivered 100 computer for PatchX
  5. NewpaperMar 2013 · Article in the paper about PatchX


Robertson Marketing Group TwoRobs Distributed IT Services Freecycle

PatchX Crew

Brian Wilson

Brian started PatchX in 2008, taking one computer for one girl and seeing the impact of this one small act. Since then, Brian’s motto has been “it’s better to give than receive,” and feels he receives more and more wherever PatchX grows. Brian enjoys computers and sports along with teaching all the things he has learned – in technology and in life. Contact Brian at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

John Burrows

After seeing the article in the paper about PatchX, John wanted to help out. He is a computer whiz on all fronts and has been a huge help to the organization. Contact John Burrows at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Who wants to get involved

All it takes is one email to reach out and help. We are looking for tech people who want to make a difference in the world. Just think you could have your own email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Applications Applications: These are the worker programs on your computer. They allow you to create documents, work on spreadsheets and create images. All of the application programs we install are free to use.
Educate Educational: Computers can be a great learning tool for children. There are a great set of educational software that are also fun. If they can learn and have fun at the same time that is a win win.
Games Games: All work and no play makes everyone not very happy. Like most games, the ones we install allow the person to think along with some of them testing their dexterity.
Applications Suggestions: Do you know a free or open source program we should add to our install list. Click the link and fill out our form to let us know. We are always looking for great software.

Offline Page

Sample ImagePraesent quis orci tellus. Proin sed augue ac sapien fermentum luctus ut vitae urna. Sed consectetur semper ligula in auctor. In quis dui condimentum elit vehicula tristique. Quisque fermentum volutpat mi at dignissim. In convallis, metus eu euismod blandit, purus dolor congue justo, eu porta ipsum enim a est. Vivamus nec arcu nulla, vitae lobortis nulla.

Quisque luctus, libero eget rutrum mollis; tellus mi vestibulum nisl, eget imperdiet mi neque at nunc. Etiam leo mauris, eleifend in tincidunt eu, tempor pulvinar nisl. Morbi vitae nulla sed arcu sagittis iaculis lacinia ut felis. Pellentesque aliquam, purus id dignissim fringilla, augue odio tempus augue, in porttitor felis ipsum eget magna. Etiam aliquam sapien non velit pulvinar auctor?

Curabitur vitae massa nulla. Donec a orci ipsum, id dignissim eros. Fusce cursus, quam at ultrices convallis, lorem metus sagittis mauris, vitae aliquam nisl arcu at nisl. Integer nisi mi, feugiat mattis suscipit eget, luctus eu justo. Aliquam eu tincidunt quam. Duis vulputate augue ullamcorper mauris tempor blandit.

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Donec condimentum dui et ipsum sagittis nec feugiat felis tempor. Phasellus nibh turpis, scelerisque vel semper eget, egestas id lorem. Morbi pretium, lorem ut bibendum blandit, lorem mi gravida arcu, eu consectetur justo erat vitae ante. Nunc ornare nunc feugiat metus ultricies eget blandit quam luctus. Duis metus sem, pulvinar a iaculis ac, eleifend et purus. Nunc tempus fringilla mi, eu eleifend tortor placerat eget.

Curabitur pellentesque suscipit lectus, nec auctor nibh mattis et. Phasellus commodo, magna quis aliquet iaculis, erat eros condimentum ligula, et ornare leo libero id justo. Maecenas consectetur pellentesque tellus ut placerat? Vivamus viverra sagittis sapien, at suscipit risus interdum euismod. Pellentesque venenatis varius nulla quis hendrerit.
